Sunday, January 10, 2010

nice nice :D

You both pick the same item, he gets up shyly, and takes you to the closet by holding your hand. You are shocked, but go along with it because he's hot. You get in the closet. He says' "________[<--Your name here] I've liked you for so long." "I liked you too Justin, but, I dont know how much." He looks at you for 10 second getting closer and closer to you. You look down. He puts his hand on his waist and holds youhand and says: "A dance?" You laugh and say yes. You cirle around and step step tap. Then....he leans in, softly holds your heaad, and kisses you, and you go in deeper. He takes a sharpie out of his pocket [while you're still kissing] and writes his number on your arm. He pulls away. You both walk out holding hands, and sit down next to eachother. At the end of the party, he whispers to you, "Call me." So you ring his as soon as you get home. He says, "I thought youd never ring" You reply, "Justin, I love you." "Meet me under the tree in the park, 12 tonight." "Sure" He hangs up after you finish that word. Later that night you see him under the tree and he asks you, "Will you go out with me?" "YES!" You shout and you kiss him fr a LONG time. Then you get married a few years after high school and die together with 2 perfect children. You lucky bugger.


Nik Syafiq said... story but i think we can't apply becoz we r Muslims......
n i know u know ko wat sent?????

.::s e n t::. said...

hahhaahaaa..bungekk.mne de doe.xbuat
gue suci,,ngahaha